Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ground Floor Opportunity

I was given the opportunity to join Shelf Reliance a year and a half ago when they were just starting to sign up consultants for their new home party division. Since that time there have been over 1,000 new consultants! The growth has been phenomenal and continues strong. Compared to other home party companies this is still a ground floor opportunity. And what makes it better is that it's a product line that everyone needs to survive - FOOD.
Not only is it food, it tastes great, it's convenient to prepare, and it's a great investment (a lot of the Thrive foods last for 25 Years!). And that is just a little bit of what Shelf Reliance offers.
I saw being a Shelf Reliance independent consultant as an opportunity for me to become self reliant, a way to help support my family while my husband was unemployed, and a way to build up my home store and food storage. Being a consultant has helped me in many other ways as well, by creating a personal challenge for me to step outside myself and help others. I have become a stronger more confident person and am continually learning and meeting new people.
Through home parties people are able to see and try different products, get the best pricing, and have the chance to earn free and half off product. Now who doesn't like something for free; especially free food or products you would use regularly? If you would like to earn free stuff I'd love to do a party for you (online or in home). Send me an email and we'll get something scheduled.
I also present the opportunity to become a consultant to all who are interested in being self reliant, want a simple way to make an investment for their families well being, and want to help others do the same. If you are at all interested check out this link for more information on how to get started, earning potential and all that is available to consultants.
You will need enroller information to sign up as a consultant, so please email me to join my team and sign up as a consultant and I will provide you with my information.
I look forward to working with you all to earn free product, get your home store started, and as part of my team of consultants!